They filed a complaint finding her in contempt for refusing to see a Muslim counselor and denied her receipt of Christmas cards and letters, thus, further isolating her in a virtual ‘prison’ in the Court-ordered custody arrangement.

by Jerry Gordon, The Iconoclast, December 19, 2009

“Barbarossa” filed this latest Jawa Report concerning further abuse by Rifqa Bary’s parents and their CAIR-supplied counsel in the Franklin, Ohio custody battle. They filed a complaint finding her in contempt for refusing to see a Muslim counselor and denied her receipt of Christmas cards and letters, thus, further isolating her in a virtual ‘prison’ in the Court-ordered custody arrangement. With a hearing on the motion in her defense to be held on Tuesday, December 22nd, there will be plenty of fireworks with this latest outrage. As “Barbarossa” notes the Columbus Ohio Dispatch has yet to cover these outrages and violations of Rifqa Bary’s civil rights and alleging that her adopted Christian faith would be recognized. Apparently, this is not the case with this latest CAIR motion filed on behalf of her parents. It is a further example of the abuse that she has endured from her parents and their CAIR allies striving to have the juvenile court in Ohio rule in favor of Shariah custody compliance. This is to our mind a violation of her civil rights as an apostate from Islam. Due notice should be taken by both the US Justice Department and the US Office of Civil Rights. Perhaps Miss Bary’s counsel will file rebuttal motions to that effect when the Ohio juvenile court hearing reopens. Additionally, her counsel might consider inviting as co- counsel the American Center for Law and Justice who have successful fought for apostate rights as evidenced by a recent decision in a forced marriage case in Youngstown, Ohio – see here. Should the Franklin court order reconciliation with Rifqa’s parents as many fear, she might be returned against her will to Sri Lanka where an outstanding death threat awaits her – see here. We hope that the Franklin County court would rule in her favor in light of the death threat and the latest abuses by her parents and CAIR-supplied counsel.

Here is the Jawa Report by “Barbarossa”:

Parents of Rifqa Bary ask court to hold her in contempt to force her to attend counseling sessions with Muslim counselor (bumped, sticky)

…and the counselor they demand she attend filed an affidavit in support of Rifqa being held in contempt!

The next episode in the legal battle between Muslim-turned-Christian convert Rifqa Bary and her allegedly abusive parents will occur next Tuesday in an Ohio courtroom. As I reported last Friday, one of the issues that will be heard by the court is a motion by the CAIR-appointed attorney to the Bary parents demanding that all Christmas cards sent to Rifqa be banned, and any cards she has already received be seized. On Monday, we provided clear evidence of CAIR’s backstage handling of the media in this case.

Another issue next week will be another motion filed by the Bary parents asking the court to hold Rifqa in contempt for refusing to attend counseling sessions with a Muslim counselor. Amazingly, the counselor that the Bary parents are attempting to force her to see filed a affidavit supporting the parents’ motion to hold Rifqa in contempt of court. How could this counselor be remotely neutral?

But wait a second – haven’t all the media stooges in this case, from Meredith “Hijab” Heagney of the Columbus Dispatch to Michael Kruse of the St. Petersburg Times, insisted that the Bary family intends to respect Rifqa’s Christian faith? Haven’t these media stooges repeated assurances from the Bary parents that Rifqa has nothing to fear from returning home?

Don’t expect these damaging revelations about the parents’ duplicity to be reported in the Columbus Dispatch, friends. Behind the veil of sealed court motions the true face of Mohamed and Aysha Bary is being revealed. Her parents have defamed Christians who have attempted to help their daughter flee their abuse; they have filed criminal charges against Rifqa accusing her of being a delinquent; and now they ask the Ohio courts to ban and seize Rifqa’s Christmas cards and to force her to see a Muslim counselor that has demonstrated his own partiality. What this long sequence of events clearly shows is that Rifqa Bary has much to fear from being returned to her parents and that they have no intention to honor her personal religious choices.

Hopefully, the courts will recognize what’s going on in this case and dispense justice, not political correctness.

Tags: Rifqa Bary, CAIR- counsel files motions, Muslim counselor, denial of Christmas cards and letters, American Council for Law and Justice, “Barbarossa”, JaWa report
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Posted on 12/19/2009 2:11 PM by Jerry Gordon